Friday, 11 December 2009

Alfie Teaser Trailer
This film is mainly aimed people 15 and above due to content as there is a lot of scenes containing a sexual nature. At the start of the trailer sees a few quick shots that pan across American skyscrapers, and the main character talking to the camera. There are also words that appear subtly within the shots that show how women feel towards him. Following that there are many quick shots of various different women of various different cultures. This can raise various questions, such like:
1.Who are all the women?
2.Why are they all looking at him?
3.What are all the words meant to mean?

This trailer links most to my teaser trailer, mainly because it is based on it, but the costume and props are like the ones that will be used in my trailer. In my teaser trailer the main character's costumes go from smart black suits, like at the start of the trailer, and casual clothing, like when he's in the bar. It also links well due to the amount of love interests that he has. Unlike this trailer , our Nick, will obviously not drive a limo and will not have the intimisy that Alfie has, but as for the storyline they will be quite similar. The different shots and the editing in between the women in this teaser, shows that in the film he will have several different women, ranging from all ages and cultures, which will be very much like my teaser trailer, however like I mentioned before the main focus in similarity is the costumes and the way in which Nick presents himself with the charm and the witt.

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