Thursday, 6 May 2010
Wednesday, 31 March 2010

This time plan was created to make sure that the group stuck to everything in order for it all to be done, but like I mentioned before sometimes this wasn't able to be done, due to other commitments. However due to group members/cast members having prior commitments some of the time I still think that we managed to work well and stick to the plan as best we could as we managed to finish before the deadline.
Monday, 29 March 2010
Link to front page of website
M:\Media Studies\Nick Website Final final final.html
Link to front page of website
Thursday, 25 March 2010
Final Final Nick Poster

Changes that I have made from my first final poster and this one:
1. I have moved "Nick Rogers" from the middle left to the top left because it makes his name stand out even more, as he is the star.
2. I have aligned all the girls names to the right hand side of the poster as this makes it looks neatier.
3. And I have put the film name in the billing box as this looks more professional.
I didn't want to use a lot of pictures on this poster as I wanted it just to be Nick, who the teaser is about. I have included the names of the girls as I think that they are also quite important characters in the film, however I didn't want to include of them. I also tried to get the same font for "Nick" as the one that had been used on the trailer at the end and I think that this works quite well. I made the tagline "Why have one girl when you can have three?" I thought that this would help to try and let the audience know what the film was about without them actually seeing the teaser trailer. The billing box, coming soon and website address are all standard on any film poster and I think that they make this 'made from stratch' poster look quite professional.
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Monday, 8 March 2010
This animatic was made to give an idea of some scenes that could potentially be used in the teaser trailer. Each scene was drawn individually in boxes of the same size so that they would easier to fit together. This would also make it look like the drawings were moving due to the very short timings that the drawings have. This process did take quite a long time although it was worth it because it shows another stage in development and planning and also gives a little glimpse of what the teaser could look like. The animatic was created in Windows Movie Maker as this programme would make it easier for the images to flick from one to another very quickly. The song that was added onto it was 'Man who can't be moved' by The Script as this song was felt to be very fitting with the genre of the film.
Nick from Lucy Cornelius on Vimeo.
This animoto bascially shows a mood board of ideas about what elements of the film would be like. It shows images of London, which would eb the setting of the film. Due to the landmarks that are used the audience will clearly be able to tell that the film is British based. Also images of coffee cups and Jude Law also helped to create a background for the character and provided us with some inspiration.
Create your own video slideshow at
Monday, 15 February 2010
Props and Costumes
For the girls, instead of trying to buy outfits for them, as they all have such a different look, we just went with whatever they already owned and we felt like this for each of them which gave the right image as well.
For all the girls we wanted them to carry a handbag, as this is the trademark to any woman/girl. But then when we looked at the girls individually we wanted to give them all different characteristics, that would make them stand apart from each other. For Florinda, as she was the more fiesty one, we wanted to make her more glamourous and therefore in most of her scenes she is seen wearing a leopard print jacket. This could show that she has a bit of money, or that her parents willing to spend theirs on her. For Lucy, as she was meant to be the more timid one, we wanted her to be the feminine and therefore had her wearing more flowery skirts with nice simple tops and cardigans that all used complimentary colours. For Susan, as she was the one who was representing the diversity of different faiths, we had her wearing a headscarf, that complimented the colours that where on her dress. We also wanted her to come across as quite feminine and therefore we had wearing pinks and purples and did her make-up really elegantly.
We did want Nick to be holding either a newspaper or a Starbucks cup, something that would give off the sophisicated look, but when it came to filming we found that nearly all of his scenes involved the girls and therefore he wasnt able to hold anything as he would be hugging them or holding their hands, and even the scenes where he was on hid own the type of shot we filmed him in didn't require any props. Other props that we used for the girls were mainly mobile phones and handbags as mentioned before.
Poster Analysis

The colour theme for this poster is mainly browns, golds/yellows and hints of oranges. I think that this works well due to the colour of her outfit and the light that is in the background, which draws me to my next point. The light is shining down on the couple and is in the centre of the image highlighting them, showing that they are the most important people in the film. It could also have a reflection on the romance throughtout the movie and also help to draw the auidences attention to them. The fact he wears a guitar on his back shows that his character is obviously quite musical even if u didnt know that the film was based on Johnny Cash's life.
The title of the movie has been put in the same font as that of the covers of the DVD's and the various other posters that were used to promote the movie. The two main actors names have been put at the top of the poster, which conforms to nearly movie posters and have put in a white font so that they stand out to the audience, as it sometimes the actors that manage to sell the movie.
The tagline for the film reads 'Love is a burning thing' which also relates well in terms of our trailer, as it is mainly based on love (in favour of the girls in the teaser) and the Nick's inability to commit to one relationship.
The billing box at the bottom is like that of any poster, therefore conforming to all movie posters.
1st draft Poster of Nick

This draft is missing quite a few things, an image of Florinda, the tagline to the film and the billing box. Florinda was unavailiable on the day of the photoshoot for the rest of the 'cast' and has been a bit busy since then, but I am hoping to get her photos done after half term and will therefore be able to provide a second draft with her image. When I also get her image her name will be put in the white writing as well to match the other two girls.
The billing box has also not completed due to me not being able to get access to the font I needed. After half term I am also hoping that I can get this finished as well, with all the appropriate writing.
One other thing that I need to put on the poster is the tagline for the film, this probably go underneath the title of the movie, on a slant, just to make it look a bit more interesting.