The masthead will read 'Rocky Roads' and will written in Airstream font. I have picked this font because I think that it most goes well for the genre of music I have chosen and had quite a flowing look.
Down the left hand side of the cover will be the kickers and the explanatory lines accompanyed by an miage illustrasting the feature.
There will also be a main image that will take up all the cover and the other features will placed on top of it.
The barcode and issue number have still to be decided on where they are going, but they are most likely to go underneath the masthead or at the bottom of the page in the right hand corner.
The fonts that will used on the front cover are Arial and Berlin Sans. I think that it is a good idea to only use a limited amount of fonts becasue otheriwse the page will become to cluttered and complex to read and consumers won't be that interested in purchasing it.
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