From the first couple of drafts of my cover the main thing that I have changed was the main image. Orginally this was the guitar holding model, but has been changed due to the quality of the image. This image was very quixilated and therefore was found that it would look better if it was smaller. The other image was bigger and therefore would have benefited from beginning bigger. After making the guitar holding model smaller I decided that it would then be good idea to have white box surrounding him as this would make him stand out so consumers would be able to see that he was part of the band that was being featured.
I feel that this cover does forfil most conventions of other magazines on the market. There are three main house colours that are used which are black, white and orange. This choice of colours does go against the results that I found out from my questionnaire, as orange wasn't a popular colour to be used. The reason that this changed was because of colour use on the main models top. I thought that it would be good idea to use a colour that was used in the background as it would show a link between the clothing of the models and and the colour text that was being used. As my target audience is people that are interested in rock music I think the colours that have been chosen are very good and relate well to other magazines of this genre for example, Uncut.
I have used a number of various fonts on this cover well. In the first few drafts there was only two or three but now there is five. A few of these fonts have come from DaFont.com and have chosen because they suit the piece of text that has been written in them. For example the 'Fresh Faces' has been written in a scripted in font because it compliments what has been written. This type of font is quite fresh and clean therefore linking both of them. This has also changed in colour from the other drafts because it was felt that have 'Fresh Faces' written in orange and having it close to the 'West London' on the t-shirt wouldn't look good so therefore that has been changed to white so that, that writing stands apart.
If I was too approach the task again I dont think I would have to worry about having more cover lines because I think that I have enough but I do think that maybe I could try having some more images that were of good quality and maybe trying following more conventions of other magazines and try having the main image lie over the masthead as this could make the cover look a bit more interesting, however with doing this I would have to be careful that I didn't cover up everything so consumers wouldn't be able to recognise the brand.
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